Interesting news, and a growing trend amongst Hollywood just now, comes from the BBC daily update, talking of Bryan Singer‘s next project.
A-list Hollywood director Bryan Singer made his name with the X-Men franchise, but now he’s heading off to pastures new. The helmer has just signed up with Vin Diesel’s Tigon Studios to create an original videogame franchise based around the life of a secret service agent. It’s the first time that a major Hollywood director has been involved in a videogame project that’s not linked to a movie. Secret Service (rather foolishly shortened to SS) is being described as a tactical game that lets players experience the work of the presidential security detail.
Mmmm…as an avid gamer, I’m not sure how excited I am about this. Sure it should make for a really interesting storyline and cinematic view for the game, but it’s a previously tried and tested game type.
What I am hoping is that Singer takes his flair to the industry and really shakes it up, and then he takes some of the ideas that are in many games just now and brings them back to the cinema. As we can see there’s a lot of movie potential from the games market, it just gets treated so damn badly!
Is the videogame industry the next comic book industry to Hollywood?