Oh we’re all going Bond mad, rumours are circulating faster than you can say “Richard’s Birthday today” and this has to be the silliest of silly rumours, so rather than ignore it and let it die, I thought I’d post it!
…the Sun trumpeted its tip for the coveted role: Colin Salmon. And on what is the Sun basing this confident assertion, you ask. Because the paper has discovered that Salmon signed himself as 007 in an autograph for a young fan.
Oh well, concrete evidence indeed. We already know that Hugh Jackman has been self publicising his involvement in the role, surely Colin Salmon isn’t doing the same? Oh no. Steadfast and steady reporting there.
What is the real interesting part of the story is what comes out about the real reason for Brosnan leaving, and quite frankly I don’t agree:
There is, as yet, no official word on who will take up the reins as Her Majesty’s superspy since it emerged that producers Barbara Broccoli and Michael Wilson told Brosnan last October he was too old to continue.
Now I don’t know if that’s from the Sun or the Guardian, or who their source is, but if that’s true it’s quite ridiculous unless it’s to do with his inability to do stunts. Although he isn’t the youngest looking Bond there has been he still looks far from done with, let’s think about how late some of the others left it, and I mean by looks not actual numbers. Brosnan is in great shape. Okay, enough, he’s gone, he’s happy and we’re looking at another actor.
It could be along wait before we really know though, it’s not due to start filming until 2006!
Update: News just in from the BBC, a UK Bookmakers has stopped taking any bets on who will be the next Bond:
Ladbrokes made the move after receiving six √Ǭ£500 bets on Salmon to take the role…However rival firm William Hill received no bets on Salmon, dismissing them as a “stunt” to boost his profile.
Interesting, but it could well be the fan with the autograph or Salmon himself! Something fishy…Oh dear. Anyway William Hill still have Ewan MacGregor in the lead.