Brian Cox Is The Voice Of Aslan

BrianCox_2.jpgOne film in production that I’m am very curious to see how will turn out is the upcoming adaptation of The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. A very positive development for the film is the casting of Brian Cox to voice the great Lion Aslan.

Cox has been in a bunch of notable movies lately, X-Men 2, The Ring, Troy, Adaptation, The Bourne Supremacy and a few others. Brian has a great voice and is just an overall talented actor who I think will really bring the character of Aslan to life. Now we just have to wait and see if the script will do a decent job of bringing any of it to life at all. The following was penned by the good folks over at Cinema Eye:

The original Hannibal Lecter, actor Brian Cox has been cast as the voice of Aslan in the upcoming film THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: THE LION, THE WITCH AND THE WARDROBE. I was seriously afraid they were going to cast James Earl Jones for this role.

Producer Mark Johnson told Coming Soon: “Brian has an amazing resonance to his voice, a certain majesty, which suits Aslan perfectly…I’ve always found Brian to be so versatile…we first talked to Brian about the role of Aslan maybe nine months ago, and I’m glad it worked out.”

I’m glad it worked out too. This project has the potential to be as special as Lord of the Rings… or a disaster. Getting Cox is a step in the right direction.

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