Forget Some Kind Of Monster, Here is a Real Heavy Metal Documentary

Now, i consider myself a bit of a musical connoisseur, and in being such a pretentious know-it-all, I tend to trawl obscure forums for interesting bits of information that I can lord over people. It was in this way that I found myself in a Slipknot forum yesterday following a thread about this docutmentry.

I, for one, find today’s modern “music” industry a little bit…how do you say…”repulsive”…yes, that is the word, completely repulsive. Call me rotten, but I would love nothing more then to see the majority of the industry’s major players staring down the business end of a .45 magnum with a very pissed off Clint Eastwood at the other end. Suffice to say, I was immediatly intrigued by this behind the scenes look at bands of high level talent, middling popluarily and no big label support trying to make it.

Now, this is about as indie as films get, but I thought it was so interesting it was well worth a mention.

check out the official site here the trailer is under the “Media” heading.

And for good measure, the production company behind it all can be found here.

Look for this in mid 2005, most likely July.

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