Matt Damon Wanted A Smaller Role In Ocean’s 12

I like Matt Damon, always have. He’s one of those rare celebrities that seems to be able to avoid the spot light when not on camera and carries a real dignity about him. Very cool.

However, a part of me wonders what to think of this little story from the IMDB where apparently Damon requested to have a smaller role in Ocean’s 12 because he was tired:

Damon says, “I actually asked for a smaller part this time around. I wanted to do less work because I had just come off The Bourne Supremacy and I was tired.” Despite the actor’s protests, producers George Clooney, Jerry Weintraub and Steven Soderbergh insisted Caldwell have more screen time. Clooney jokes, “Matt showed up and told us he had this big hit sequel under his belt so we’d need him to sell our picture. We had no choice but to give him a bigger part.”

Ok, on the one hand I think to myself “You big sucky baby! It’s not like you work in a steel mill or road construction! You’re paid to do a job, now get in front of the camera and act”!

But then on the other hand I think “Well, acting can be demanding, and it is refreshing to see a celebrity who isn’t just worried about top billing or getting more of the glory… so good on ya Matt”

I’m torn. Which way should I think on this?

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