Nicolas Cage still talking over Ghost Rider

GhostRider.jpgWhat’s happening with the much touted Ghost Rider then? Nicolas Cage has been on and off it, there have been rumours galore. However the BBC have this from a recent interview:

You’ve been attached to Ghost Rider and Wicker Man for a long while. What’s the status on those projects?

I had a very successful conversation last night with Neil LaBute, who is the writer and director of The Wicker Man. It’s something that I think may happen very quickly. Ghost Rider is a project that I’ve been linked to for about four years now it seems, but I love the character. I think he’s a fascinating character – complex. As far as superhero films go, cinematically he’s going to be the most interesting character ever in a movie. He’s cinematically the most natural fit. But it’s still something we’re talking about.

So not sure at all really, links but who knows, sounds like a lot of positioning and posturing but no answers yet. The Guardian have the news that Jon Voight is considering a part in it:

“They’re trying to get me to be in it as well”, Voight told IESB. “My partner is helping produce it”. He’s referring to his producing cohort Steven Paul, but the deal is far from set as he adds, “I don’t know yet, we’ll have to see how the script comes out.” That’s very picky from the man who recently starred in SuperBabies Baby Geniuses 2…

Ooooh! Handbags!

Scooting back to the Cage interview, what’s this about The Wicker Man? Do they mean the remake of the great movie set in the Scottish Highlands? With Cage?! EH?? NOOOOOO!

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