Oliver Stone to bring Margaret Thatcher to big screen

MargaretThatcher.jpgSo now the dust is settling through the epic battles of Alexander and his band of 25 Greek merry men, what is next for Oliver Stone? Apart from Alexander on DVD of course (ahem!). The biopic of Richard Brunton, celebrating his Birthday this very day? No.

Well it looks like he’s lined up to create a biopic of one of the biggest leaders of our time. Oh yes, he’s done JFK and Richard Nixon, now revel in the glory that is, Margaret Thatcher!

Yes, I couldn’t believe it either, and re-read the story twice and got a second confirmation before posting. IMDB state quite clearly:

The director is refusing to let the critical mauling and disastrous box office performance of his latest film Alexander – based on Macedonian warrior Alexander The Great – and is pursuing his current dream of bringing the British leader’s life to the big screen. And Stone is determined to land Meryl Streep for the lead role. He says, “Margaret Thatcher is an amazing woman and a good subject for a film. I’m thinking about Meryl Streep to play the Iron Lady.”

I really can’t stop laughing when I read this, honestly! Please, if you are British (even better Scottish) and can see through the tears of laughter, read on:

One friends says, “Oliver is one of Baroness Thatcher’s greatest fans. Alexander was slammed by critics, so maybe he think it’s time to concentrate on a great woman for a film. Thatcher was one of the most powerful political figures in the world and her life has been as colorful as any superstar.”

Well there’s a different take on it. Mind you, there’s the Brighton bombing, Poll Tax in Scotland and her many public put downs of some of the strongest male Politicians and interviewers to put in. Yet there’s just nothing that leaps out and strikes me as edge of your seat movie fodder. Oh wait, there is, what am I thinking, the Falklands War and perhaps the sinking of the Belgrano? Would those be classed as moments for the movie?

Still, it’s hard to believe. Thoughts everyone, UK or not?

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