Ryan Reynolds and Alanis Morissette To Appear in Just Friends Together

RyanReynoldsandAlanisMorissette.jpgFrom Moviehole:

“Blade Trinity” scene-stealer Ryan Reynolds tells today’s Herald Sun that his real-life squeeze, Alanis Morissette, is set to make a cameo in his next movie.

“Just Friends”, which started filming this week, stars the 28-year-old funnyman as a record executive who comes face to face with an old crush from his home town. The singer is said to be making a cameo in which “she beats the snot out of me”, Reynolds laughs.

Worried about a bit of a “Gigli” backfire though, working with your real life squeeze? “Not when it’s a tongue-in-cheek movie”, Reynolds says. “If you put them on a romantic lead pedestral, that’s dangerous. But I literally knock into her in the hallway and she’s going to just kick the crap out of me and keep walking”.

After seeing Blade Trinity (one of the worst films of 2004) I’m actually looking forward to seeing just about anything Ryan Reynolds appears in. He was the only bright spot in that piece of trash movie. Add that to the fact that he’s dating Alanis Morissette and he’s officially on my top 10 “Guys I’d like to be for a day” list.

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