Did Michael Moore and Mel Gibson Get Snubbed?

No. They didn’t. It’s funny reading over 100 publications that put out some lame attempt at controversy by suggesting that Michael Moore or Mel Gibson got snubbed by the Oscars this year.

You see, to get “snubbed”, suggests that you were seriously deserving to get nominated, and I’m sorry, but neither of them deserved it.

Don’t get me wrong, I think both Fahrenheit 9/11 and Passion of the Christ were wonderful films, I really do. However, just because a film is really good, doesn’t mean it was one of the top 4 or 5 films of the year. I’d personally put “Passion” in my top 10-15 of the year, and the same goes for F-9/11… but neither of them were (or should be) in my top 5.

And don’t forget, Moore decided to not allow F-9/11 to be considered for the Best Documentary category (which he easily would have won), and instead opted to go for Best Picture instead. He never stood a chance.

To fail to get nominated for Best Picture doesn’t mean you didn’t make a great film, it just means it wasn’t one of the top 5 of the year. With all due respect to Moore and Gibson fans who are shouting out “SNUB”, in reality niether of their films were in the top 5 (or very close to it).

Good films? Yes. Deserving of Best Picture nominations? No. Were they snubbed? No. Just my two cents worth.

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