Rumour of Kate Bosworth cast as Lois Lane

KateBosworth.jpgHappy New Year! First post of the year and it’s on one of the most anticipated movies of late, Superman. Unfortunately no hard facts yet, just rumours galore, but they are from Superman-V through the meltman at Film Rotation which suggests a bit more than just idle gossip.

Looks like there’s advance notice on the casting for Lois Lane and some even more speculative rumours on General Zod as well:

Reliable sources inform us that Kate Bosworth has won the role of Daily Planet’s feisty yet incident prone reporter. After many young actresses screentested alongside Bradon Routh – with Elisha Cuthbert, Claire Danes and Keri Russell all believed to have come close it was Bosworth who Singer decided on. Kate who recently starred in Beyond The Sea now joins an impressive looking cast believed to be Shaun Ashmore as Jimmy Olsen, Spacey as Lex Luthor and Brandon Routh as Superman…

… mumurings ofJude Law joining the cast with General Zod and John ‘Metallo’ Corben mentioned as possible roles.

Note that there is a healthy pinch of super-salt warning from the site on that last part. Mind you, Jude Law would be a cracking choice in my mind. Each rumour makes me more and more hopeful for a good movie.

I guess we’re going to have to wait to find out exactly what the casting is, they even carry suggestions that there’s an announcement and photo call to come in January, which isn’t too long to wait!

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