Is there a more sure bet than Christopher Walken? No, not every movie he appears in will be fantastic… but HE will be fantastic in them without exception. Adam Sandler is sort of hit and miss. However, when Sandler “hits”, he REALLY hits it out of the park.
So now the good folks over at Empire Online are letting us in on this little nugget:
Walken has signed on to star alongside Sandler in Click, a new high-concept comedy from the writers of Bruce Almighty (otherwise known round these parts as, simply, ‘Christ!’), in which Sandler’s character is given a mysterious remote control which allows him to fast-forward and rewind to different parts of his life. Until, that is, the remote takes on a mind of its own!
Walken will play a mysterious, weird-haired, mad-eyed, intense character who gives Sandler the remote while ENUNC-ci-AT-ing EV-ery SEC-ond SYL-la-BLE. And his mere presence alone means that we’re quite stoked to see this film now (provided he’s given his head and allowed to wreak some Walken havoc, rather than simply bequeathing the remote and buggering off).
This has some great potential. However, one must be cautioned to remember the disaster that was “Anger Management“, another comedy with Sandler starring opposite another screen ledgend (Jack Nicholson). That one didn’t work out too well.