Ashton Kutcher’s Undeserved Popularity Continues in Guess Who

Ashton_Kutcher_8.jpgThe new Ashton Kutcher film, Guess Who, came in at #1 at the box office this weekend. But don’t get too excited about that. Saying your movie was #1 this past weekend is like saying you’re the #1 Jewish gansta rapper currently living in Iran. This was a really weak weekend for films.

However, the fact that Guess Who took in over $20 million begs me to once again ask a question I’ve been asking for years. “Why on earth is Ashton Kutcher such a big celebrity?!?!?!” He has ZERO hit movies (all of them have been dreadful), he’s not even the best performer on his own TV show and he is a mediocre actor at best.

Ashton Kutcher is the male version of Jennifer Lopez. An actor with limited talent, no significant hit films, no critical acclaim at all…. and yet seems to be the center of everyones attention. It boggles my mind.

“It’s the audience that gets punk’d in this crass and sloppy comic recycling of Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner…”
Lou Lumenick – New York Post

“Kutcher is no Jackie Mason. Nor is he leading-man material.”
Allison Benedikt – Chicago Tribune

“…just a succession of tired race jokes made worse by the bad comedic timing of the bland, under-talented Ashton Kutcher.”
Claudia Puig – USA Today

Kutcher seems like a really nice guy, his new film coming out with Amanda Peet called A Lot Like Love looks promising and I tip my cap to any man sleeping with Demi Moore… but this guy is the classic example of Famous for being Famous.

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