Clive Owen for Bond?

CliveOwen.jpgOkay so this could swing either way, and it does class as straight gossip and conjecture, but hey, we never said we were beneath it!

Coming Soon are carrying news from IESB that Clive Owen may be confirmed as the new Bond. Yeah sure I hear you say, and clicking onto the next post, but this time there’s some footage and an insider suggestion that it’s happening.

we asked him about the rumors regarding James Bond. “Yes or no to Bond,” we asked. He said this while nodding his head ‘yes’, “I will be busy for a while” and then our colleauge next to us asked again, “any truth to the James Bond rumors?” “I’ll be busy for a while,” he repeated with a grin and smile.

Tenuous indeed, you can go and view the interview and decide for yourself. To me this looks very much like a man laughing at the rumours and just answering something to keep the press going, but I could be wrong. You could look at it that he is genuinely excited but can’t say.

A few minutes after that quick interview I was approached by a person/colleague that works with Clive and he/she stated that Bond was a done deal and that an official announcement by the trades is being brokered.

Well whatever is true, it won’t be long for us to find out, the article suggests it’s only a few weeks away from an announcement. Oh get on with it already.

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