Daniel Myrick moves from Blairwitch to the web

BlairwitchDuo.jpgDaniel Myrick, co-creator of the infamous BlairWitch is back. Love it or hate it, it reminded us all that movie making is not about the big, and it appears that he’s continuing with that feeling in his latest project. Yahoo provide the story of his new project:

His new miniseries, “The Strand,” again uses many of the method-film techniques of “Blair Witch,” this time telling a documentary-like story of several offbeat characters in Venice Beach, Calif. The first episode will premiere March 15 on www.strandvenice.com.

A series of webisodes, i.e. an episodical series delivered via the Web on a pay per view basis.

“You can do something that doesn’t include big stars and big names,” he said. “…if you’ve got a good story and smart way of marketing it, you can have (both critical and commercial success).”

“We’re applying some of the same methodology to `The Strand’ where we’re not really following any rules except the base rules of just telling a good story with good characters, and letting the audience decide, rather than a handful of executives.”

Though the first webisode is free, each subsequent installment will cost 99 cents. The Web site will also encourage audience interaction and feedback that will shape the future episodes.

I’m sure this kind of thing has been done before, I remember something about a soap opera online and you could shape the characters from episode to episode, I’m not so sure that worked though, will this? Perhaps it will, if the story is good and the real writers maintain a control over the script. Otherwise there will be BlairWitch alien babies descending from the skies and characters sleeping with their family members while covered in jello…okay, suffice to say it could fail easily!

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