The remake of Asian movies continues with Kaïro, a visually enticing movie with some really strong ideas and scenes which makes your mind do a lot of overtime. Sure the ending is a bit loose, but it’s a similar thread for many Asian movies, the focus is on the story and the journey, not just the ending. Check out that freaky picture, yes, there are scenes that will creep you out that much.
Coming Soon carries the news of the remake from Hollywood Reporter, and it is called…Pulse.
“Pulse” is a remake of the Japanese movie “Kairo.” The story revolves around a Web site that turns out to be run by a sinister force. As more people go to the site, the supernatural force begins to dominate the lives of those that log on. Bell and Talley’s characters team up to unravel the mystery.
The script was written by Wes Craven and rewritten by Vince Gilligan. Craven was once attached to direct.
So who’s directing now? well they have a brand new Director straight from commercials, Jim Sorenzo. Already onboard for roles are Kirsten Bell and Steve Talley. Interestingly it’s coming out of the new Weinstein company. So they’ll be pushing for a commercial success anyway, and that might just spell doom.
Who’s seen the original? What did you think of it, and what potential has it for a decent remake…and let us put aside our biased feelings and see if we can think of Ring as an example. Could it be done? Written by Craven and directed by a newbie?