Matthew Vaughn to direct X-Men 3

MatthewVaughn.jpgX-Men 3 has a director, and it’s not who I thought it would be. Michael Vaughn who directed Layer Cake, Rope of Silicon have the news from Ain’t it Cool:

Whether you have seen or heard of the Brit flick Layer Cake it may or may not matter to you, but the helmer, Matthew Vaughn, has just been confirmed by Ain’t-it-Cool-News as the director for X-Men 3.

AICN also reports that word is that Zak Penn’s script will be the one that gets used as opposed to the earlier Simon Kinberg draft…

All systems go then. Although it does appear that there’s still an issue over Halle Berry, and you know I thought that she might have been just playing it up and being a bit of a diva, however I’m changing my mind with this latest quote seen in, also through Rope:

“I have not read the script. All I have asked, is that if I come back as Storm, she need to be closer to the comic book. So, if they have in fact written her closer to the comic book character, then I’m in. If not, I’m out. I hope I’m in though. I love Storm, and really want to be part of the last film.”

I can understand this now a bit better. I mean perhaps there is some “I want more screen presence” in there, but if that means staying truer to the comic version then that’s great isn’t it? Well what is different to the comic version? The character really isn’t, just the involvement and being used as more than another ingredient in the set pieces perhaps. I don’t know. Certainly it seems her motivation is well placed, but it could just be down to hard cash and screen minutes of course.

Catch the end of the quote though, “last film”. Last X-Men and now it’s off to the spin offs?

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