Final Cut Pro 5

Final_Cut.jpgI am a Final Cut Pro fan. I am NOT a Mac fan. I had to use a Power G4 for a couple of years doing video editing and every time I had to use that thing I couldn’t wait to get back on my regular… real… computer (let the mac vs. PC flame war begin!)

Ok, but as much as that is true, the one thing I really have to hand to the good folks over at Apple is that they make some seriously killer software from time to time. Case in Point: Final Cut Pro.

For those of you who may not know, Final Cut Pro is basically a video editing software package that also does a lot more (titling, compositing ect). It is a sweet package that is a pure joy to use (now if they would only make a PC version of it!). The package is also VERY powerful. I won’t go into boring details, but sufficient to say that pros and semi-pros alike live and die by this software.

Anyway, the good folks over at Film Threat have reported about the upcoming release of Final Cut Pro 5. Here’s what they had to say:

On Tuesday, May 3, beginning at 6:45PM, at the Digital Cinema Lab (Pacific Theater) the Los Angeles Final Cut Pro User Group (lafcpug) will present “The LA Debut of Final Cut Pro 5 and Soundtrack Pro.” Members of the FCP and Soundtrack Pro team including FCP product designer Brian Meaney will be down from Cupertino to demo as well as take questions and feedback. And there will be plenty of time for questions and feedback.

I seriously wish I could go to stuff like this. For those of you who may know how much I don’t like Macs… this is how much I liked Final Cut Pro… I almost considered buying a Mac powerbook JUST so i could use Final Cut Pro again. That means I like it a LOT… other than that the only way I’d get a Mac for myself is if Jesus and Optimus Prime both appeared together before me and told me to do so.

“Macs. Macs are the path to the dark side. Macs lead to anger. Macs lead to hate. Macs lead to… suffering”
– Jedi Master Yoda

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