Gladiator 2

Gladiator_poster.jpgOh my goodness, this has “bad idea” written all over it. Gladiator was a wonderful film. Gladiator was a fun film. Gladiator (although not really deserving) won best picture of the year. Gladiator made a lot of money. So a Gladiator sequel is a good idea right? No chance in hell.

Gladiator was a story revolving around 1 character, General Maximus. Maximus, the Gladiator, is dead. So how do you do a sequel of a film without the namesake of the film around anymore? Even Ridley Scott admits that’s a difficult task, and yet seems to be pushing ahead with the project anyway. The good folks at Dark Horizons give us this:

The “Gladiator” sequels status is “nothing at the moment, but we’re trying to find a good solution for a sequel” says Scott. Logan’s script is “not quite there yet. Remember theres no Maximus anymore, I think the task is quite difficult…there is a next generation idea but it’s very loose at the moment.”

Yes Ridley… it would be hard. And it’s also a BAD BAD BAD idea. Don’t ruin a good film by making a sequel just for the sake of making a sequel. Gladiators 2 is a horrible idea, and frankly I’m surprised a man with the film intelligence of Ridley Scott would even entertain such a stupid idea. Bad bad bad I say.

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