Hilary and Haylie Duff are Material Girls

Hilary_Duff.jpgI officially dub today “Bad Idea” day. This is my third post today which focuses on stupid ideas. Next up on the block of stupidity is the recently announced film project with sisters Hilary Duff and Haylie Duff entitled “Material Girls”. And yes, you guessed it, a remake of the old Madonna song is a part of the project. The movie is probably just a vehicle to promote the songs release.

Anyway, least you start to think that I’m just some grumpy guy living in Canada, I should point out that I’m not the only person who is dubious about this project. The good folks over at Cinema Blend offer this:

Material Girls will follow the two as a pair of “celebutante cosmetic heiresses” – think Paris Hilton, only with cosmedics funding her lifestyle instead of hotels, and probably with less skank and more annoying bright, cheery optimism. Due to a corporate scandal, the two lose their fortune and decide to go Nancy Drew to expose the person responsible. Doesn’t this sound loosely like the plot of Ritchie Rich?

No doubt the film is simply being made as an excuse to remake the song. Hilary Duff, who left her Disney Channel show “Lizzie Maguire” in order to focus on her music, is notoriously becoming the next Michael Bolton, remaking songs at the drop of a hat. It would be nice if she’d at least remake some decent songs instead of “Our Lips are Sealed” and “Material Girl”, or , even better, realize that her fifteen minutes of fame ended five years ago.

Dead on correct my friend. Someone please make the hurting stop. Won’t someone think of the children?

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