I haven’t seen a single Hollywood movie with Jackie Chan in it, and I think that’s down to the fact that I love his previous movies so much. The amazing stunt work, the fun, a good story, and no visual effects combined to make some amazing movies. Police Story being one of the best.
However, since he came to Hollywood and started churning out the watered down films where he’s just given some token scenes to show his stuff, ably backed by the Hollywood stunt teams, insurance premiums, and the whole machine, there’s just nothing that’s appealed to me. There’s almost a hint of embarrassment or cringeworthiness in it now for me. If his age had become and issue, moving behind the screen would be a better move for him.
I remember his commentary on the Police Story DVD talking about how Hollywood focuses in the component parts of a fight, and therefore is able to break it down and make it safe. Yet that made it far too fast and hard to follow for the audience. A swoop there, a swish there, and that might have been a fist. So he liked to keep the camera back, show everything and make the fight as real as possible. That still hits me today that Hollywood have pushed the camera further and further in and you can’t follow or appreciate the action on screen. Why can’t he take those styles to Hollywood and try making smaller films and retain some of the action and style he was all about?
Now he’s a comedy sidekick performing the odd controlled stunt here and there, instead of the leading talent he was before he came to Hollywood. Sold out? The Guardian have a story on his other business ventures today, and his promise to stay with Hollywood.
Jackie Chan says moviemaking is still his biggest priority despite an expanding business empire that includes a clothing label, fitness clubs, restaurants – and a line of cookies.
“For me the greatest source of income is still movies. Nothing – stocks, financial speculation, real estate speculation or businesses – makes more money for me than making movies,” the action star told a news conference this week.
Chan said he donates the earnings from his businesses to charities, but didn’t give any details.
That is great though, and he’s always been one to donate to charity, look after his stunt teams, his pupils at his stunt school, etc. Yet the first things he said were greatest source of income still being movies. I watched an interview a while ago where he talked about the love of doing the movies, and getting his extended stunt family involved. Finding a solution to a complex stunt, coming up with something new, the challenge and the enjoyment of it all. He looked like he was having fun…apart from when he broke something! Where did that go?
“This proves I succeeded in Hollywood,” said Chan, who has starred in the Rush Hour films, Shanghai Noon, Shanghai Knights and The Tuxedo.
Well it certainly does, but for me, a fan of what Jackie Chan was before, it’s not what I loved to watch about Chan. Sure he’s building a business empire, but what happened to the great movies and not the parts that provide an income?