Natalie Portman to star in Goya’s Ghosts

portman7.jpgNatalie Portman has one good agent, her roles are certainly keeping her career going in a diverse direction. Which is good after the possible mainstream tag she could have been left with after Star Wars.

So what’s the next step? Coming Soon have her down to star in a movie about Spanish painter Francisco Goya called Goya’s Ghosts.

Variety says the drama will be directed by Milos Forman and produced by Saul Zaentz. Filming is expected to start in early fall in Europe.

Written by Jean-Claude Carriere and Forman, the drama is set in Spain in 1792, when Goya was the country’s most famous painter. A scandal arises when his teenage muse is framed for heresy by a manipulative monk who is one of the driving forces behind the Spanish Inquisition.

Bardem will play the monk. Portman will play the muse as well as her teen daughter Alicia, who might be the result of an illicit affair with the monk.

Star Wars could have killed the career of an actor, but I’m amazed at how Portman is keeping her eyes on interesting and meaty roles. Apart from the obvious reasons I believe she is someone to keep an eye on as her career just builds and builds.

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