Hey there Folks… John here.
Well… most of you know I’ve been having some MAJOR laptop issues the last couple of days and as a result haven’t really been able to post much. Well, as of tonight I am up and running again. I had to get a new laptop (which I am NOT happy about), but it’s done, and the new machine is pretty darn sweet. I’ve finally got it all set up and configured, so as of tomorrow I’ll be posting again!
To celebrate, my buddy Cam (who has the best job in the world… he like works in Hong Kong for a month… home for a month… Austrailia for a month… home for a while… London for a while… home for a while) and I are heading into St. Catharines Ontario tonight to go to a place called Stella’s. If you know the area, and are going to be around… stick your head in a say hi. It’ll make me feel all special.
Cheers! And special thinks to Richard who has been steering the ship while I’ve been crippled!