Samuel L. Jackson talks Star Wars and Flight 121

samjackson.jpgComing Soon score another interview, this time from Samuel L. Jackson. Again, there’s not much to excite, but he has an interesting take on why the first Star Wars movies may not have been so well liked, and you know what, he makes a lot of sense. See what you think.

The people that don’t like ‘Episode I are adults who were not adults when they saw ‘Episode IV’. If you ask any 12-year-old, kid who was 6 or 7 when they saw the first one, who their favorite character was, they’d say Jar Jar Binks, because the first movie is a kid’s movie. It’s about a kid and gives kids an opportunity to feel like they’re heroes. The next movie’s a bit more about teenage love. The kid’s voice changes, he’s in love with a girl and he’s trying to figure it all out. People didn’t like that one too much either, but there was enough action in it to satisfy the people. Hopefully, this one will be dark and bloody enough and will wrap up all those loose ends, and everybody will feel some sense of satisfaction…

So the first was for the kids, the second was for the teenagers and the last is for us original fans who are adults now. If that’s how Lucas planned it then he’s roping in every generation, and that does make sense. when these kids and teenagers are older perhaps he’ll start on the next three!

One last thing, and this is cool, he has a little laugh at Pacific Flight 121, or Snakes on a Plane.

I like scary movies! The scariest thing you could think of is a crate load of poisonous snakes getting released into the atmosphere on a plane. It says everything about it. There it is. [I play a] FBI Agent transporting a witness to a trial, so the bad guy puts this crate load of poisonous snakes on the plane.

What is it with this movie? We really must be missing something.

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