Superman Returns first photos

SupermanReturns-BrandonRouth.jpgThere’s been a number of articles all over the web carrying the new Superman image, Brandon Routh standing all square jawed like and trying to look cool and imposing. Didn’t do it for me I’m afraid. He looks meek, mild and quiet, not that strong, not that super, just a regular guy in a silly costume.

Have yourself a look at the full size image direct from Coming Soon, thanks to Chris Rushworth for that, be warned though, it’s 1.5 Mb.

See, doesn’t do it for me. Yeah you can argue about all the super powers you want, but he doesn’t look like Superman, he doesn’t have the build. He’s just not imposing or carries the right amount of gravitas.

Vic from Screen Rant makes an excellent point comparing Batman to Superman, and how beefed up Christian Bale is compared to Routh. Sure, he’s playing a human character that would need to, but Routh could’ve done a little bit to look more the part, surely?

Interestingly Jorge Chapa has done something cool at his site, where he’s made some minor changes to the costume to make it look more the part for him. Works better, I admit, but he needs more beef.

Still, as Vic says, it worked with Spidey, maybe it could work here. Yet Spidey was never as muscular as all that, and Maguire beefed up for the role too.

What do you think, does he look the part? Are we all hanging on too much to the old Superman, and what about Bale for Batman, does he look good or what?

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