The Devil’s Rejects Clips Online

File this one under “So Stupid It Defies Belief”. The sequel to Rob Zombie’s pile of crap known as House of 1000 Corpses (aka House of 1000 yawns… or House of 1000 rolling eyes… or House of 1000 regrets I didn’t do something else with my evening), The Devil’s Rejects is coming out June 22nd. For the life of me I can’t figure out why it was made at all.

Anyway, the good folks over at FilmForce have just posted up your first look at Rejects. The clip looks just stupid. But oh well… I always say the most beautiful thing about film is the pure subjectivity of it. FilmForce also offers this little stupid synopsis of the stupid looking stupid film:

In the aftermath of the Dr. Satan Cult Murders, the story continues with the vengeance of Sheriff John Wydell (played by William Forsythe). It’s payback time for the death of his brother, and he’ll stop at nothing to bring down the Firefly family. To assist him in his bloody endeavor he employs a pair of bounty hunters know as The Unholy Two. Their mission culminates in what Zombie bills as “one of the most depraved and terrifying showdowns in cinematic history.”

Don’t you just love it when celebrities tell you how awesome they are? Anyway, I’m not even going to bother with this. I took a chance on the first one and got burned for $10 and a wasted evening that I would have rather spent chewing on someones toe nail clippings.

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