Daredevil DVD gets Directors Cut

daredevil_ben.jpgI am really surprised by the review in Film Rotation of the new Daredevil Directors Cut DVD. Personally I thought the film stank from the opening scenes, one thing in particular sticks in my head, as Murdock walks into his flat, listens to his answerphone and his ex-girlfriend dumps him over the phone with a drawn out and overly explanatory message giving us a raft of backstory rammed down our throats. From there things just kept down that level. There were flashes of the real Daredevil, but nothing near what I remember as the character, who was to me second only to Silver Surfer.

So imagine my surprise when Wyverex gives us a review that turns the movie around. There’s more characterisation of the right characters, including with Matt and his father to show the origins, and Kingpin. As well as that the fights are a bit harder and darker.

Over all this is a much better version of Daredevil. Grittier, more violent and with more story and characterization. If, like me, you enjoyed the theatrical version but were left feeling slightly disappointed by it then you should be more than satisfied by this release and if you didn’t think much of it then maybe this version will change your mind and while not being overloaded with extras it’s very nice that they are devoted to the Directors Cut and not just a re-tread of what has already been released on the theatrical versions disc.

Something else stood out for me, as well Wyverex, the fact that the producers wanted the version to be released in the cinema this one, and not the cut down version we saw. To me that’s raised Avi Arad in my mind, I used to think car salesman, now I’m thinking he might actually have some feeling for what the fans want, and he wants that too.

Great review from Wyverex from the almost as cool as us Film Rotation. Get over and have a look…but don’t forget to come back!

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