Greg Hoffman talks Saw 2

Saw2Poster.jpgThe cool guys over at JoBlo have scored a major hit with one of the partners in Twisted Pictures, you know the ones who brought you Saw, and are soon to bring us Saw 2 as well as that movie starring Pink, Catacombs.

Well he’s writing a diary for them on the production of the movie, well worth a visit for some, hopefully, interesting titbits from behind the scenes. In the first edition he lines up what else is coming out of the company apart from the two movies above…

…and we’re also producing SILENCE, James Wan’s follow-up to the original SAW for Universal later this Summer

Darren Bousman, the young director who’s heading SAW II was grinning from ear-to-ear after he yelled ‘Cut’! The smile may have actually been because he got the phone numbers of two Hungarian strippers the night before, but I can’t be certain.

Ah, it’s just like life here at the Movie Blog. *SMACK* Oh, sorry dear, of course it’s not. Interestingly we talked a while ago about how the story came about and the script was from another horror which was pulled over to the Saw idea…well here you have it.

After SAW, our offices started getting bombarded with horror and thriller scripts. One of them was a sick, claustrophobic game of death being played out in a house that really got under my skin. It was written by one Darren Bousman. I called my partner Oren Koules and pitched him the idea. He was silent for a moment and said “Gregg, that could be SAW 2!” That’s the way Oren works. He goes about his business and then – BAM! – the monster idea. We made the deal with Darren and were off to the races…laying the world of SAW into Darren’s script proved to be much much harder than just changing the character names and writing a few Jigsaw speeches.

Check out the full diary entry, and it’s worth looking out for others – I’ll obviously give you the heads up when they get posted.

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