Lindsay Lohan in Mission Impossible 3

Give me strength. Word is racing around the net with the confirmation that Lindsay Lohan is replacing Scarlett Johansson in Mission Impossible 3. (Please hold while John smacks his head against a table).

This is a STUPID idea any way you cut it. Has anyone seen ANY potential or promise in her in any of the projects she’s been in? I know that’s a very subjective question… but personally I haven’t. Not even a little bit. I’ve found her stiff on one extreme and WAY over the proverbial top on the other with seemingly no middle ground.

Now, before all you Lindsay Lohan lovers out there start planning my assassination, let me say this. Lindsay is still young (19 if I’m not mistaken) and still has a lot of time to learn and grow as an actress. Who knows, she could turn out to be the next great actress of our time… but right now she’s near the head of the class in the Jennifer Lopez school of “Famous for being Famous”.

Lindsay Lohan in MI:3?!?! Dumb Dumb Dumb. My “hope” meter for this film has just dropped about 3 notches.

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