Sin City 2 Plot

I’m a big fan of the Sin City film project. I didn’t totally love it as much as some did… but I did enjoy it quite a bit. To do a sequel is basically a no brainer.

Now, the good folks over at Coming Soon are reporting on some details of the SIn City 2 project. Apparently Robert Rodriguez has confirmed that the next Sin City will be based on Miller’s book, A Dame to Kill For. They describe the story as:

It’s one of those hot nights, dry and windless. The kind that makes people do sweaty, secret things. Dwight’s thinking of all they ways he’s screwed up and what he’d give for one clear chance to wipe the slate clean, to dig his way out of the numb grey hell that is his life. And he’d give anything. Just to cut loose. Just to feel the fire. One more time.

Nice! I’ll line up to see another Sin City for sure. I hope some how some way they figure out how to have Mickey Rourke as Marv in it. He just ruled in that!

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