Skinwalkers, a new Werewolf movie

LGF.jpgLooks like creature horror is set to besiege the box office as the first of many creature movies is announced, let me start with the story from Coming Soon that Lions Gate Films have just bought the rights to the movie Skinwalkers. They’ve also secured some major special effects talent, including Stan Winston.

Skinwalkers is a horror action film about a 12-year-old boy who suddenly finds himself at the center of a battle between two warring groups of werewolves. One group of werewolves is sworn to protect him, the other group is trying to kill him — and the young boy’s mother has to find out why her son is at the center of the conflict before time runs out.

The script was written by James DeMonaco (Assault on Precinct 13, The Negotiator), Todd Harthan and James Roday (the upcoming feature films The Dukes of Hazzard and The Driver).

Are these going to be trying to steal the possible thunder of Underworld: Evolution do you think? Sounds like a combination of that movie and the in development The Talisman

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