The Movies – The Video Game

TheMovies.jpgThis looks like a lot of fun. Activision is getting ready to release “The Movies” in the fall this year. Basically speaking, “The Movies” is a simulation type video game where you makes movies, run studios, manage actors, do the marketing and PR and a whole lot more.

Apparently the game if supposed to be just massive. You’ll also be able to compose musical scores for you films and just about everything else that goes into the film industry. Now THAT sounds cool… and probably addictive.

The good folks over at IGN give us this little bit of insight into a few of the other things you’ll be able to do as well:

The game enables you to foster and maturate star actors, while handling their eccentricities, vices, and aging problems. Once a star gets too old, you’ll have to give him or her a nip and tuck, and put them through therapy to keep their roles lively. You can literally give them facelifts, tummy tucks, boob jobs, liposuction, and more at the on-studio clinic. A mood bar and star rating indicates your stars’ status on the left-hand side of the screen, while a technology bar on the right side displays the current technologies you are researching or have.

Not only do you have to keep up with technologies to stay current and earn a growing income, but future technologies enable you to create blockbuster summer movies with fancy graphics and the ever-important cool explosions. Whichever way you decide to go, the game has no ending — you start from scratch and continuously grow your movie business.

This sounds like a butt load of fun. With the popularity of games like The Simms I think this is really going to take off. I’m looking forward to it.

If you want to see a trailer for the game, you can go here.

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