Top 100 movie voices?

VoiceOverMan.jpgI came across this post by total accident, looking at some sites I love to read about gadgets, t shirts, games, just anything fun really. This just caught my eye over at Boing Boing and I had to immediately go over to Film Critic and check it out.

It’s their all time top 100 voices in the movies. It counts down from 100, and as soon as I started scrolling I was surprised. Arnie at 99? Come on now, with lines like “If it bleeds we can kill it”, “Come with me if you want to live” and the ultimate “I’ll be back”, how can that so recognisable voice be that low?! To see Elizabeth Hurley much higher than Elvis as well, for me the list was rapidly becoming poor.

There are some I agree with though, just not in the proper places, James Earl Jones who sould so easily have been number one, Christopher Walken, Clint Eastwood, John Wayne, just some of the excellent choices to be had. Here’s their top ten:

10. Peter Sellers
9. Holly Hunter
8. John Wayne
7. Al Pacino
6. Marilyn Monroe
5. Jack Nicholson
4. James Earl Jones
3. Christopher Walken
2. Orson Welles
1. Clint Eastwood

So what would your top three (or more) be? Who is an iconic voice of the cinema? For me, I would struggle to pick some out from the rush of top spots for Wayne, Eastwood, Earl Jones, Richard Burton, Sean Connery, James Stewart…oh god, you could so easily go on and on. You’d have to tip a nod to the trailer voice over men too – John, note for Movie Blog, I do a great voice over man. Everyone, make your choices…

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