Russell Crowe Apologizes

You know, I’m the first guy to call any celebrity who acts like a 4 year old a jerk. Mr. Russell Crowe has acted like a 4 year old a number of times and I’ve often commented on how difficult he makes it to enjoy his fantastic performances because of his off camera nonsense.

Now, having said that… I also like to give credit where credit is due. Last night, Russell Crowe went on the David Letterman show and used the opportunity to publicly apologize for the “thrown phone” incident. Here’s how MSNBC recounts the appearance:

“This is possibly the most shameful situation I’ve ever gotten myself in in my life, and I’ve done some pretty dumb things in my life,” the Australian actor told David Letterman. “So to actually make a new number one is spectacularly stupid.”

A little bit of humility covers over a multitude of sins. So here’s the deal… if I’m going to slam Crowe for acting like an idiot… then I’ve gotta give him his due when he goes on national TV and says something like this. Good on ya Russell. Keep it up and you might win some of us movie fans back who deep down really do want to like you.

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