Saw 2 Synopsis

Although not universally praised or considered the instant classic that it looked like it could have been, Saw was still a mildly entertaining film (in my opinion) that carried it’s fair share of “Freaked the Hell out of me” moments.

As most of you know, a Saw 2 is in the works and the good folks over at Counting Down have been kind enough to provide us with a synopsis of the plot:

“While investigating the bloody aftermath of a grizzly murder, Detective Eric Mason (Donnie Wahlberg) has the feeling that it is the work of Jigsaw, the notorious killer who disappeared leaving a trail of bodies – and parts – behind. And Mason is right. Jigsaw is at work again. But instead of two people locked in a room with only one unthinkable way out, there are eight. Eight strangers unaware of their connection to each other — forced to play out a game that challenges their wits and puts their lives in jeopardy.”

I’m a bit of a sucker for situational films. By that I mean “Here’s a no way out situation… how do they deal with it?”. I love the basic idea for this… now let’s just see if they can actually execute it properly.

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