War of the Worlds Review

Despite all of the stupid antics Tom Cruise has been pulling the last few months, I’m still looking forward to War of the Worlds. How can I not be when it’s 1) Sci-Fi, and 2) has Steven Spielberg directing it? This thing has Awsomness written all over it.

Anyway, I finally came across an early review of the film from the good folks over at Dark Horizons… a source I actually trust as opposed to some others… and my excitement for the film has only grown! Here a quick look at what’s being said about the movie:

“It’s fantastic. Spielberg is back to the type of films we love him for. No cute teddy bears, or candy-munching aliens to be seen here. This film is an outstanding return to form. Aside from the special effects, which were as good as you could hope (more on them later) Spielberg has come up with some fantastic set-pieces including an almost silent game of hide and seek in a waterlogged basement.”

Sounds good to me! The few short glimpses of the visual effects I’ve seen have also blown my socks off. So let’s see… a solid cast, great source material and the world’s best director. Is there anyway this movie can miss? My expectations are high… and I think this flick will deliver.

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