Colin Farrell Sex Video

Colin Farrell is realy to join the ranks of other Hollywood celebrities such at Paris Hilton, Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee. Yes tha’t right ladies. Pretty soon you can catch the upcoming Miami Vice star doing the nasty with some chick he dated a few years ago.

Farrell is suing his ex to keep from releasing the video they made of themselves to the public, but I believe this thing will get lose on the internet pretty soon for 2 reasons:

1) All it takes is 1 single person getting their hands on it and upload it somewhere. Within 15 minutes 200,000 people will have it… pretty soon even kids will have pictures from it on their lunch boxes.

2) I think Farrell WANTS this video released. Why? Because it’ll further his dark bad boy image that is his bread and butter right now. I think this whole “fighting it” thing is just for appearance. In my opinion, he’ll LET this thing get released. I think right now he’s just seeing if there is a way he can make some money from it too.

I obviously won’t be downloading it… unless I decide to release a “Video Edition” on DVD and include it as a “special feature” just to increase sales to the female demographic.

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