Conan The Barbarian is coming back! That’s one person happy just with the title, eh Doug? The news sounds good on this one though, and although it won’t be starring Arnold Schwarzenegger it looks set to go ahead. Personally I think that’s a shame, I know, I know, he’s too old and he’s lost loads of his size…but I think the guy is superb at what he does, and to see him in a Conan The Barbarian movie would have been wonderful, even if it was to hand over the baton.
Regardless of the no Schwarzenegger presence, Warner Brothers are set to go ahead…as are others. Check this out from Moviehole:
Talking to The Hollywood Reporter, Warners production president Jeff Robinov, who with director Chris Nolan has successfully reinvented the “Batman” franchise, says he’s hoping to do the same with the “Conan” franchise.
Waiting for a “Conan” script from an unnamed action writer-director (rumoured to be Robert Rodriguez), Robinov is committed to producing the film within the next year.
“I love the character,” says Robinov, who is going back to two of the original stories. “It all depends on how the character is realized and the execution of the movie. You hope to satisfy the fan base and the broader audience. There has always been a fan base for the Conan character. So many years have gone by. You have to get to the core of who the Conan character was. It’s like catching mercury.”
It’s easy to catch mercury if the rooms the right temperature…and that’s another analogy. I think he’s right though, they did capture a whole fan base so easily with that character, and it’s still out there. The problem though, and it’s something that I feel strongly about and I think they’ve failed to mention, is replacing Arnie. Unless they get the guy who’s playing Arnie, Roland Kickinger – what a great name for an action actor! Thoughts from any Conan\Arnie fans?…and non-fans too.