I haven’t been that excited about Elizabethtown apart from one name, Cameron Crowe. I really do like his movies, personally I think Say Anything and Singles are the best, and I expect to be shot down in flames with the cries of “Vanilla Sky or Jerry Macguire“. Give me Abre los ojos any day.
Anyway, I like his movies. They’re real but injected with fun, warmth and a couple of big messages. In this movie he’s played the guy card and going for the father-son relationship hook…it’ll always get a guy, Field of Dreams catch scene anyone? However he’s also gone for two stars who I just don’t get that excited by, Orlando Bloom and Kirsten Dunst. Strangely though, I found Bloom quite engaging during the trailer, and I’m now interested to see his performance, Dunst, well…let’s say I’m interested in seeing Bloom’s performance!
Still, it has Alec Baldwin and Susan Sarandon, which should redeem a lot, and from the trailer there look to be some funny moments. I couldn’t help but laugh at the end of the trailer, I really couldn’t. See what you think of it, and the comments above.