Fantastic Four sequels – Silver Surfer, Mole and Submariner?!

FantasticFourGroupPic.jpgThere’s more talk about the Fantastic Four sequel, and considering the reviews John has been bringing to the site I’m quite surprised there’s going to be one. However, there are mixed comments coming from the interviews with the stars and production guys about the sequels and what they could contain, some good, some bad. From two stories in Comic Book Movie, one from the Australian Empire magazine and the other New York press conference:

Tim Story says: “I hope that we can come back for the second one, because from frame one we can go beserk,” laughs Story. “There’s no concrete answers yet, but we are thinking a lot about what would happen in number two. One thing that’s for certain is that you do get to see Reed and Sue get married, which would be incredible.”…

…”I would definitely want to come back for the second. If you’re familiar with this comic book, we’ve just scratched the surface. This is an origin movie and there’s so many characters and so much that we have to get to, things like the Fantasticar.

“Now that these guys are comfortable with their powers, there’s a whole another attitude that comes on. To see Ben Grimm in this movie, Ben Grimm is not wanting to be what he is, but once he is comfortable with who he is, he’s a funny character. He’s just walking around town like a superstar.”…

…[Chris Evans – Human Torch on villains for a sequel] “The Sub-Mariner was a cool character, a water element. That would contrast nicely. I don’t know if they’d do The Mole, but I think he’s quite cool.”

The talk of Sub-Mariner as a villain and Grimm sound quite good, but the Mole and the Fantasticar?! Oh dear, this has no edge to it, no depth, not like Batman or Spiderman. So far my Fantastic-Sequel-Meter is heavily leaning to poor. Yet there’s an interesting banter between Story and Arad during the New York press conference, really quite interesting and telling. Firstly that they are talking about a third already and that the Silver Surfer is a possibility for a villain later on, but only after he’s appeared himself – superb!

[Tim Story] “When it comes to the Silver Surfer, I argue with Avi all the time about…”

[Avi] Arad: “And he loses…”

Story: “And I lose all the time about I want Silver Surfer for the third movie.”

Arad: “Well, the good news is that Silver Surfer and Fantastic Four, it’s always Fox. And once we tell the Silver Surfer story, there’s no reason sometime in the future (for) guest appearances and maybe connect the story. But right now, there’s so many Fantastic Four stories to go. And we’re just getting going with the Surfer. It’s all good stuff to anticipate.”

See that? “Once we tell the Silver Surfer story”! What’s the appetite for a FF sequel, how about with these titbits of gossip? Any better?

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