Hollow Man 2?!

HollowMan.jpgWe knew the sequelisation crowd was just getting out of hand, but Sony is about to either take it to new levels or recapture the art of sequelisation. It all depends on how you view the original movies, and the movies in question are, according to Hollywood Reporter through dtheatre:

“Hollow Man 2,” “Road House 2 — Last Call” and “I Know What You Did Last Summer 3” are in various stages of development at the company.

I’ll skip over the fact that the story mentions a “I know what you did last Summer 3” and go straight to some possible details on Hollow Man 2.

“Hollow Man 2” is being produced by Red Wagon’s Douglas Wick, David Lancaster and Vicki Sotheran. The story revolves around a Seattle detective and a biologist who are on the run from a dangerous invisible assassin gone rogue as well as the government forces that created him. Swiss director Claudio Feah, repped by ICM, is directing from a script by Joel Soisson. A mid-August start date is scheduled.

The production team on Hollow Man 2 has a pretty good rep behind them, and the writer is pretty on with his sci-fi background.

I liked Hollow Man, but it wasn’t a great movie. It was really made an entertaining watch by Kevin Bacon and partly Elisabeth Shue. So without them, and especially Bacon, I’m not that interested. I think it reeks of cash in, as does the Summer 3…How the hell are they getting away with digging up every movie they can, even when there’s no possible way you could squeeze in a sequel? The story above isn’t even connected! What do you think?…and what about that picture? Caption ideas?

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