Ray Liotta joins Dungeon Seige

RayLiotta.jpgWhatever the moviegoers think (that’s us by the way) Uwe Boll can attract the stars and raise the money for his movies. Coming Soon carries the latest signing for Dungeon Seige:

Ray Liotta will play the villain, Gallian…The Hollywood Reporter says Will Sanderson, former NFL star Brian J. White and German supermodel Eva Padberg have joined the cast as well.

Wow. How he got Liotta involved I’ll never know, fantastic villain though. So those plus the existing names attached give us the cast:

Jason Statham, John Rhys-Davies, Matthew Lillar, Leelee Sobieski, Burt Reynolds, Ron Perlman and Kristinna Loken

Joking aside there are some bigger names in this movie, I really am surprised given the track record with the fans and box office. Okay, they make loads more at the DVD stage and he’s somehow turning a profit to pay them, but still. Isn’t there any reputation left in Hollywood or these actors? Apparently not…$60 million production says not.

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