The Island to be withdrawn?

TheIsland1.jpgSounds a bit mad, but it could well be true, although quite frankly I don’t see it getting that far and deals will be done before it ever gets near that stage, yet there is a fear that a Director of a 1979 movie may well seek a court injunction to do just that.

According to MovieTab (thanks for the heads up Devon):

Robert Fiveson, who directed the 1979 movie Clonus, has discovered some major similarities between his movie and The Island…

In both movies, a male resident goes on the run when he discovers that the promised land is a lie, and that he’s part of a colony of clones being grown to harvest their organs when the rich human originals ail. Both feature an evil scientist keeping his project a secret from the public at all costs by sending assassins after the runner.

Fiveson isn’t eager to go to the courts, but is considering legal action after attending an advance screening of The Island.

Wow, and that really does sound close in storyline. I think it truly is difficult. I once heard said that there are only truly five stories to be told and that they originate from Greek tragedies, the only differences are their settings and characters. I think that’s perhaps too precise and small a number, but the idea is the same. There are only a limited amount of stories that can be told, and it’s the dressing that changes them. It’s especially difficult considering the amount of movies punted out every month.

However, I find it hard to defend if these movies are so closely linked. A few scaremongering mainstream reports and they’ll be a nice fat payout check before the story is buried.

Has anyone seen this movie? Is it so similar to cause an issue? If it is a copy we’re never likely to really hear, but why do we keep hearing these claims? Is it just the money or are there films being ripped off continuously?

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