Bruce Campbell And His Role In Spider-Man 3

Does it get any better than Bruce Campbell? If there was some kind of election for who should be ruler of the freaking universe… I would vote for Bruce Campbell. The guy is just so cool it defies imagination.

Anyway, Campbell was recently at a film festival called the Maryland Horrorfind Weekend where he was screening his new film “The Man With The Screaming Brain“. During one of the question and answer periods, the inevitable Spider-Man 3 question came up. To which Campbell answered in true Ash style. The good folks over at SuperHeroHype give us this:

When asked about Spider-Man 3 and his role, he responded, “What pivotal role will I be playing this time? Well in the first one I named the character, otherwise you’d be seeing ‘The Human Spider’, and in the second one I was the only person to defeat spider-man, and look at doc ock. Where is he? At the bottom of the river, and me? I’m right here!” The crowd cheered. “I can’t really say who I am playing, but because you are all here and I think you can keep a secret, I’ll be upfront. I’m gonna be spider-man.”

So there you have it. Bruce Campbell is the Web Slinger in Spider-Man 3. Man that would be awesome. Ok maybe not… but it would be hilarious.

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