How Do You Define An “Indie Film”?

film.jpgIn the last installment if The Audio Edition I made the comment that it’s just a myth to believe that on average “Indie films” were as good as Hollywood films. This however raised a very good question for some people… not if my hypothesis was correct or not… but rather an even better question. What is an “Indie Film”?

Some people make the very good argument that an Indie film is any film not directly produced by one of the major Hollywood Studios. However, I personally believe it has come to mean something more specific. I believe in a definition that mean a film made outside of the Sphere of Hollywood (Many films are made by all Hollywood people with just almost as big budgets… but get their money from somewhere other then the major studios). I don’t count those as true “Indie Films”.

I think both sides have good arguments… but I thought I’d ask you guys. How do YOU define an Indie Film? When you think of an “Indie Film”… what first comes to mind?

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