I saw Stealth with Jamie Foxx the other day. All I can really say is that the film is a let down on several levels… but no one will be surprised to hear that. However, it also commits one of the worst marketing sins many movies are guilty of… pretend like an actor is in it more than they really are.
You know what I’m talking about. I remember back when Mission Impossible 2 was coming out, and the trailers boasted “Starring Tom Cruise and ANTHONY HOPKINS”. Yeah right… imagine my surprise when I saw the film and found out the Hopkins only had about 3 minutes of screen time. Stealth does the same thing. Foxx had this to say:
Talking about his part in Stealth, Foxx says, “I’m not even the lead in it. I’m the guy who makes a couple of jokes and then I die. It’s the classic black role.”
The marketing makes it look like Jamie Foxx is the lead actor in the film. When in reality he only has about 10 minutes of screen time in the entire movie. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining that his character didn’t have a bigger roll, I’m complaining that the marketing made it look like something it wasn’t. Evil.