The talks over the merger of the two formats of the new high definition DVD’s failed a little while back between the main parties Sony and Toshiba. Sony is running with BluRay DVD and Toshiba with HD-DVD. According to IMDB Toshiba blame Sony:
A spokesman for Toshiba has accused Sony of taking an intransigent position on high-definition DVDs…Mark Knox told Red Herring magazine on Friday, “The picture has been painted that Sony is open to discussions and it’s Toshiba that’s shutting the door. … It is Sony that is not willing to negotiate evenly.” Toshiba heads a group of manufacturers and studios favoring the HD-DVD standard, while Sony heads a larger group favoring the Blu-ray system. “Blu-ray said they won’t compromise on the disc structure,” said Knox. “In effect they are saying ‘my way or the highway’ and that is not the way to come to a compromise.”
Worth noting that the group on the side of Blu-Ray is quite a large group indeed, and with Sony implanting the technology in every Playstation 3, they may be the clear winner. However, does it mean that they should be taking a Microsoft style position like this, or have they gained enough ground to say “tough luck” to Toshiba?