This has to top the list of bizarre stories, but according to Cinematical once again, the fantastic movie The Princess Brideis being turned into a musical with the aide of the author and screenwriter William Goldman!
Composer Adam Guettel…will collaborate with screenwriter William Goldman on the project, which so far is only in the planning stages. Though musical versions of hit films aren’t exactly guaranteed successes, this might be one it’s ok to get excited about.
Might be? Come now, it’s the Dread Pirate Roberts, Inigo Montoya and Fezzik, how can you not be excited about the prospect? Well, there’s a lot not to be, like the classic blunders never make a successful film into a musical and never start a land war in Asia! Oh dear, I’ve started. I’ll go now and leave you to the thoughts of whether this is a good or a bad idea, bear in mind that the original author is onboard, could it be bad?
Good luck storming the castle!