Every once in a while you hear about a concept for a film that makes you think “Wow… what a great idea… I’d watch that”. The Year Of Living Biblically is one of those concepts.
AJ Jacobs is an editor-at-large of US Esquire magazine. Anyway, Mr. Jacobs decided to take on a personal challenge for 1 year. The challenge? Try to live 100% according to the literal rules of the Bible. The good folks over at Empire give us this rundown:
As the title suggests, Jacobs spent a year trying to live according to the rules of the Old and New Testament. Yes, even the obscure ones about what foods to eat and what clothes to wear and not planting different crops next to each other. The catch, of course, is that he tried to obey these rules literally, ensuring that he probably didn’t comply with any major religious group. After all, it’s probably quite easy for a New Yorker not to covet his neighbour’s ass, since very few Manhattanites keep donkeys, and a literal interpretation of the Ten Commandments would still allow him to covet their rent-controlled apartments and tickets to Wicked and generally everything else.
Paramount has decided to turn this adventure of his into a film. And good grief I’ll see it! The Year of Living Biblically, I think, will be hilarious. I actually have a rather deep history with organized religion and I think this will rule!
What do you think of the idea?