I’m a big Michael Keaton fan. That’s not to say that all his films are wonderful (oh good grief we all know that’s just not the case. First Daughter or Multiplicity anyone?). But the man has turned in some killer performances over his great career (One Good Cop and Clean and Sober quickly come to mind).
But for a while there it seemed like Michael Keaton just dropped off the face of the earth. What was a really diverse career just suddenly screetched to a halt and it seemed like no one knew why. Well, Online.Ie has just put out some interesting information on that topic. Here’s what they had to say:
Keaton starred in a succession of high profile films in the 1990s, culminating in appearances in Jackie Brown and Out Of Sight, before disappearing from public view. He explains: “I needed to live my life away from the industry. I’m interested in the world.
“I had a relationship with a Spanish woman and I love being in Europe. I like fishing in Argentina and hiking in New Zealand and taking care of my horses in California. I love being a father and working on my garden and just sitting around doing nothing in particular. I really wish I could tell you I was working on something fantastic, but I don’t try and pretend to be something I’m not. Besides, I had reached a point when I looked at some of my work and thought: ‘What are you doing? You’re not very good in that. So why are you doing it?'”
Man, you gotta respect a guy who is that upfront and that honest with himself too. I did enjoy seeing Keaton in those great comedies like Johnny Dangerously and Gung Ho… but I think at this point I’d really like to see him focus on some heavy drama that he’s proved he can do so well.