X-Men 3 To Feature More Storm

HalleStorm.jpgX-Men 3 is going to give Halle Berry and Storm a bigger role than in the previous X-Men films. To me this is bad news for a couple of reasons. Don’t get me wrong, I think Halle Berry is a fine actress (most of the time) and I’m usually happy to see her in just about any role. However:

1) Storm has been a pointless character and having Berry there has been equally pointless. Why on earth they would drop Nightcrawler and do backflips to keep Storm is beyond me.

2) The lesson for the kids today is “If you cry and bitch about things loud enough you get your way”. Halle Berry (who I actually like very much) has acted so unprofessional in this whole situation it’s dropped my respect level for her down a couple of notches. She’s an actor. She should show up for the role she’s hired and paid for, do her job to the best of her artistic ability and then leave… like a professional. But instead she’s decided to cry and whine to the media about her character not being big enough and that she wouldn’t come back unless she gets more spotlight. And now the producers of the film have blinked and developed the STORY (which is the MOST important thing) not around their best ideas… but around Halle Berry’s demands. And that’s bad news for everyone concerned.

My expectation level and hope for X-Men 3 has been on a steady decline for months now… and I don’t forsee anything picking them up. I really hope it’s good… but let’s be honest folks… it’s not going to be.

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